My motto is, “Transformations are for Everyone!” My approach to wellness coaching starts with getting to know YOU and clearly defining your needs and interests. During our first consultation we’ll devise the best approach to realistically achieving your goals in order to create habits that can last a lifetime.
As a Degreed Exercise Specialist,Certified Exercise Physiologist with the American College of Sports Medicine, and Certified Nutrition Specialist with the American Academy of Sports Dietitians and Nutritionists, I can focus on giving you the knowledge, know-how, and the science behind each strategy we implement.
There are 3 tiers to my online Transformation Series. You will grow and evolve naturally as you progress through each tier.
Tier 1: ENVISION ~ cultivate your Vision, Belief, and Strategy in this 6-week road to instinctive eating. DIET is a four-letter word during this series. Get back to basics to build your solid foundation. Freeing yourself forever of fads and trends while doing workouts that you fall completely in love with.
Tier 2: EMPOWER ~ learn and apply metabolic techniques and dietary phasing in this 6-week discovery course that will build your confidence and self-worth in the process. Outcomes include but are not limited to: decrease of inflammation, increased energy levels, lower body fat, mental clarity, and improvement in other aspects of your life by using my Evening Ritual Guide Book.
Tier 3: ENHANCE ~ many people who have taken this course felt that they experienced a true “awakening.” This is the final 6-weeks of my Transformation Series that opens your eyes on how to apply all the tools you have earned to last the rest of your life. You transform by removing any remaining barriers and set-backs and step into the person your soul desires you to be.