This week on the Be Amazing Podcast, Cel chats with friend Melissa Bisnet. After nearly 20 years holding multiple corporate positions within Healthcare, balancing a family; the fast-paced, overcommitted lifestyle came with challenges.
As her career became more demanding over time, She found herself increasingly burned out, separated from her family and quickly gaining weight. Her health had plummeted. She was fighting pre-diabetes, hypoglycemia, high blood pressure and fluid retention as well as the mental and emotional side effects.
At her doctor’s encouragement, She made drastic life changes, including stepping down from her corporate role and transitioning into a more balanced environment that was conducive to my Health/Wellness goals.
Melissa started a fitness journey that would soon become a lifelong transformation. She joined a gym, enlisted a personal trainer and nutritionist, began weightlifting, became a Certified Personal Trainer, a Certified Cycle instructor/instruct Bootcamps, competed in an NPC bodybuilding competition in 2020, and took 1st place in 40+ Raw Masters NC State Powerlifting competition this year.
“I always felt I had more to give in this life and this inner warrior was screaming to be released. That I had an even greater purpose that I had not even begun to tap into yet.” I remember the fear and uncertainty that I wasn’t experienced or conditioned enough to challenge myself to be healthier. I was dreaming too big and being unrealistic with my goals.” “Once I started taking care of myself my inner warrior came pouring out and you could see the visual transformation. As my body started transforming, the women in my life started noticing and wanted to know what I was doing.”
Follow and Connect with Melissa on IG: @master_melli
Email ascentfitnessgroup