Girl Chat on the Be Amazing Podcast – Episode 4: Fitness at Your Fingertips

Girl Chat on the Be Amazing Podcast – Episode 4: Fitness at Your Fingertips

Girl Chat Episode 5: Fitness at Your Fingertips

Be Amazing Podcast
Be Amazing Podcast
Girl Chat Episode 5: Fitness at Your Fingertips


*Cel and Leah discuss showing up for others and yourself. How the spiritual Law of sowing and reaping (some call it Karma) is something we can’t get away from and it’s always operating around us. 

*Our bodies are a product of all we’re taking in, literally and figuratively. 

*You only are what you can recover from. The importance of knowing when to push and when to hold back. 

*Collagen: should we take it ? 

Connect with Cel & Leah: @cpmethod  @itscelsmart  @leahelizabeth_v

Sponsors : @Sweatnet  @Vasnutrition @beamazingweekend

Welcome to Girl Chat! Meet your hosts Cel Smart and Leah Vasquez. The place where we have open conversation, with the feel of being in the room with your best girlfriend(s)