Girl Chat on the Be Amazing Podcast – Episode 7: Visualize, Practice, Perform

Girl Chat on the Be Amazing Podcast – Episode 7: Visualize, Practice, Perform

Girl Chat Episode 7: Visualize, Practice, Perform

Be Amazing Podcast
Be Amazing Podcast
Girl Chat Episode 7: Visualize, Practice, Perform

Our thoughts, actions, feelings and beliefs are the drivers of where we want to be. In this intense, stressful environment that we’ve all been in since 2020, it’s even more important to take care of ourselves and what we can control. 


*Movement: Leah gives a general plan that anyone can start out and progress with. 

*Perspective: just a little shift can change your negative outlook to gratitude. We never know what others are going through. 

Myth buster this week: Do you have to be sore in order to have a good, productive workout ?

Connect with Cel & Leah: @cpmethod  @itscelsmart  @leahelizabeth_v


Sponsors : @Sweatnet  @Vasnutrition @beamazingweekend

Welcome to Girl Chat! Meet your hosts Cel Smart and Leah Vasquez. The place where we have open conversation, with the feel of being in the room with your best girlfriend(s)