How Protein Helps Build Muscle

How Protein Helps Build Muscle

Protein is commonly referred to as the building blocks of life. It is present in every human cell. An amino acid chain makes up the basic building block of proteins. Your body needs protein to repair damaged cells and create new ones, so for those going to the gym and workout regularly, it’s best to include a good amount of protein in your diet..

Also, children, teenagers, and pregnant women need protein for healthy growth and development. If you’re working out, your body will require protein to build muscle. You need to understand the importance of protein in muscle building before you embark on your journey.

How Protein Aids in Building Muscles

We already mentioned that protein is known to be the building block of life. Once you consume protein, your body converts it to amino acids that support the building blocks of muscle tissues. If your muscles were a house, amino acids would be the materials utilized to construct them. Your body produces some amino acids required to develop muscular tissues. However, there are nine essential amino acids (EAA) required for muscle maintenance and growth but can’t be produced by the body.

Foods like soy, almonds, beans, and livestock must be consumed to obtain these EAAs. The best food for muscle building is one that is high in different kinds of amino acids.

Among these crucial amino acids is leucine which can be obtained from the diet, especially from protein-rich food. It is involved in most anabolic activities as it stimulate Muscle Protein Synthesis. It instructs the body to make muscle proteins when there is enough in the system. Every exercise you do causes minor rips in your muscles, which encourages your body to develop stronger muscles that can support the heavier weight. Leucine is an amino acid that aids muscle healing and acts as a building block for new muscles.

How Much Protein Do I Need?

It’s vital that you ensure that you consume the right amount of high-quality protein. The correct amount of protein intake and strength training is crucial for muscle growth. Concerns regarding how much protein is required to promote muscle growth have been the subject of ongoing research and debate.

Healthy individuals over 19 must consume between 10 and 35% of their daily calories from protein, per the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

To keep nitrogen stability and reduce muscle loss, the current Recommended Dietary Allowance or RDA for protein is 0.8 g per kg of body weight. However, applying these suggestions to active people who want to gain muscle might not be acceptable. The optimal daily protein intake an individual must eat differs based on various characteristics, such as age, gender, level of physical activity, health, and other factors.

Best Source of Protein

You probably have already consumed a lot of protein-rich foods. This macro is present in smaller amounts in whole meals like vegetables and rice. When included in a diet that is generally healthy, certain foods can give your body the necessary amount of protein it needs.

Here are the top 8 protein-rich foods for you to choose from to help you limit your food options.

Lean Meat

In addition to providing your body with protein, beef feeds it with essential elements like iron and zinc, which are important for immunity.


Chicken is a flexible meal mainstay that is a go-to for many people and is high in protein. For a quick weeknight meal that includes this crucial ingredient delightfully, try making Baked Lemon Pepper Chicken or Creamy Parmesan Garlic Mushroom Chicken.


Although salmon is renowned for its heart-healthy lipids, it also provides a sizable amount of protein. Additionally, adding fish to your regular protein rotation at least two times a week gives it diversity.


An easy method to get some high-quality protein is by eating eggs. However, avoid frying or cooking your eggs with oil all the time. Eggs cooked this way often have more bad cholesterol and calories in them compared to boiled, poached, or baked eggs.

Peanut Butter

Organic peanut butter is the route to go if you’re looking for a popular plant-based source of protein. You can use organic peanut butter for a peanut butter  and jelly sandwich, make peanut butter balls to eat on the go, or you can also use organic peanut butter as a dressing for salad.


Who would have thought that pasta is a good source of protein? Pasta is frequently thought of as a source of carbohydrates, there are specific types of pasta that have good amounts of protein in them. For example, a 2-ounce meal of traditional semolina pasta has approximately the same protein as a large egg! This gives you an additional way to consume more protein that you’ll surely enjoy.

Cottage Cheese

Creamy cottage cheese is an organic protein source that is simple to incorporate into a healthy diet. Add cottage cheese to your pasta or any other dish to add more protein and flavor.


Try consuming hearty lentils as it is an excellent plant-based protein. They are also filled with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Enjoying lentils may be a delightful way to add protein to your diet, whether you make a warm bowl of vegan lentil soup or a lentil dish with fried eggs and greens.

In Conclusion

If you’re looking for ways to increase your muscle build-up, you need to start understanding how protein works and how much you need to achieve your fitness goal. Use this article as a guide to help you properly infuse protein into your daily meal.