Melissa Cuthbertson

Where you can Sweat with Melissa Cuthbertson

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Articles with Melissa Cuthbertson

Melissa Cuthbertson



I’m a mother of three daughters and a pharmacist. I’ve been a pharmacist for 25 years with 9 of those years at Vanderbilt. I am passionate about dementia/Alzheimer’s research as I have been personally affected by this disease. I want to educate people to be an active participant in their healthcare. We should look at our brains like a muscle and taking care of our brains must begin early. I look forward to being a part of this group and how it affects each of our lives. How we nourish and protect ourselves, both body and mind, is vital. How we live today impacts each of our tomorrow’s!

  • Vanderbilt pharmacist
  • Alzheimer’s Association advocate
  • Woman’s Alzheimer’s Movement Champion/Change Maker
  • AMAX commercial/talent print

Business Location

Melissa Cuthbertson