Nick and Holly Janicki opened the first True REST Float Spa in 2009, after searching the globe for the most advanced available healing technologies for their own use. They spent months of research and planning and bet their life savings on this form of relaxation. It worked.
Because spas are associated with relaxation. The original True REST Float Spa™ became successful, and after six years, Nick and Holly began to feel as if float therapy was something they wanted to share with the entire world.
After all, how many people get true rest? Most of contemporary life–traffic jams, long hours at work, anxiety and stress — makes it difficult to relax. And relaxation is a skill that must be learned. How do you learn to relax with so many distractions?
It’s easy if you enter a True REST Float Spa, because you enter a world free of distractions. You disconnect for an hour, simply lying on your back, and floating revives all your senses simultaneously, without you doing anything.