What I Realized About Being an Introvert During Quarantine

What I Realized About Being an Introvert During Quarantine

After 5 months of quarantining inside, I would do anything to be able to be around a big group of people (safely) again. Its weird to think that SweatNET is almost 3 years old and that we have hosted over 600 events already and I haven’t actually participated in a single one. These past 4-5 months have been challenging financially, but even more so challenging emotionally. SweatNET is about people and the community, and it has been really really hard trying to hang on to that through a computer.

When the shutdown first happened, we began streaming content immediately. In total we filmed over 300 classes so far that are FREE for members and had awesome regular instructors like Jen D, Jamie, Annie, Sarah , Rebby and a lot more. (I hope I never win an Oscar, I will never be able to remember all the names to thank). We had instructors from over 50 studios stream on our platform where you can still access the videos from home. Streaming is cool and all, and it will continue to be an important part of fitness… but…it isn’t the same as being with everyone. Who else misses that energy? It kills us to see our studio partners closing their doors permanently.

I am pretty sure I also have some sort of toxic poisoning from using as much Clorox and Lysol as I did while keeping our microphone equipment clean between instructors.

We missed crowds so much that I had to virtually recreate the crowd feel with our 6FT5K and 6FT10K virtual races. I think it may have been one of my best pieces of work so far, but the 10K either proved to be too soon, or too LONG for many people because it was not nearly as well “attended.” Both races are still available to our members to run again as many times as you want for free. I would love feedback from anyone who did run the race and let me know if you would like to do it again. Hit reply.

And then our little baby Auggie came along. There is nothing in this world right now that I want to do more than spend time with this little man, but I am starting to realize my brain is turning into mush. I promised I wouldn’t put any Auggie pictures in this newsletter if they let me write it – but you can get all the Auggie pics on IG @auggieroomakesapoo

SweatNET made the decision to close our offices to keep everyone safe. This may have been the final straw that broke our spirit. Someone we love once said to us, “it’s not wise to make your best friends your business partners, but your business partners can become your best friends.” From our immediate team who now exists only on our Zoom windows and text message bubbles, to our team of ambassadors, members, studio owners, managers, staff… You have somehow snuck into our hearts and become our best friends and we truly, miss you.

At least I do, the guy who typically is hiding with a camera or walking around trying to avoid people,…I miss you all. And that feels weird to say – because 5 months ago, I would have told you I was an introvert and I didn’t need people.

If you get a chance and you are a member (if you’re not a member, sign up…we need members now more than ever) PLEASE come to some of our free events. Please bring your friends. I don’t think I will ever become a hugger, but I think I can speak for our entire team when I say we want to see you. Show up early and talk to us. Right now we are stuck to a few outdoor locations. Yacht Fitness on the Carolina Grace in Lake Norman, Yoga in the Yard at the Music Yard by SouthBound and our Met Sweats at the Metropolitan in midtown. If you have any cool outdoor venue ideas, just let me know, we would love to try to make it work.

Maybe I am getting a little sappy in my older age…or maybe I am just getting sick of eating graces Sweet Potato Lasagna (actually I don’t eat it, I just get grumpy and watch her eat it throughout the week while I stuff my face with candy).  I guess that reminds me, SweatNET has over 150 recipes and growing of healthy meals made by local members. If you have one you would like to add, please share it, Grace will probably make it because shes on a cooking/baking bender and hopefully we can end this Sweet Potato Lasagna madness.

And seriously, please reply to this email. It’s from me, and it’s to you… If for nothing else just say hi. I hope to see you soon.
