Where do you teach?
Northlake BootCamp Powered at CrossFit Northlake
What’s your favorite quote or mantra you can’t live without?
If it doesn’t challenge you; It doesn’t change you
Is there any fitness/health related product or brand you can not live without?
WATER! and great nutrition! Paleo Protein by Julian Bakery is a great High Protein Low Carb option and it is yummy. Spark from Advocare – preworkout (not used often). BioCharge-Advocare-BCAA’s and recovery.
How would you describe your philosophy about being fit and healthy?
I believe that we can all be fit and healthy, in our own way. Being fit and healthy cannot be defined by how many abs you have, how thin and toned your body is, the number on the scale. It is defined by your overall mental, physical and emotional well-being. Making choices that lead you to a balance. Eating food that fuels your body and provides it with the best vitamins and minerals, and the occasional treat is okay! Putting yourself in environments and relationships that make you a better person, a person who can think clearly, be grateful, be of value; as well as promotes peace and happiness inside and out. That is being fit and healthy.
Who or what gives you the most inspiration?
My inspiration is my grandparents. They are two extremes of a making good or bad lifestyle choices to promote optimal health. One has sacrificed their need for rest, nutrition, physical activity, medical care for many reasons; now lays at home sick in bed, suffering from dementia and many other chronic diseases. The other, has eaten foods that fuel their body and provides energy, rested, followed medical advice, and stayed active; is now 83 years old, mobile, alert, independent and the caregiver of their spouse.
How did you get started creating your passion into the profession you have today?
I decided to leave my growing career in property management to start coaching CrossFit and work towards a degree in Health Promotion from App State. I began shadowing and coaching part time to gain experience; I read books, watching videos, articles, anything and everything that involved bettering peoples lives and getting them in better health through exercise and nutrition.
You’re living your most perfect day- what does this look like?
My most perfect day would be with steady energy, laughing, making memories, taking an adventure, helping someone grow, eating pizza and french fries that wouldn’t count against my macros!
Now what’s your actual typical day look like?
4AM Wake Up
5AM-11AM Private training sessions, teaching CrossFit or BootCamp Classes, nutrition meetings
11:30-1:30PM Lunch at home, shower
1:30-3:30PM Catch up on administrative work, workout programming for classes/clients, meetings, emails, social media
4:00-8:00PM Personal Workout time and teach a fitness class
What makes you laugh, smile, and be joyful?
A good joke! My Husband, my community, my friends.
What do you love about SweatNET?
Connection and “synergy” that is growing between the fitness communities. There is so much untapped potential in the fitness community, as far as collaborations, education, and awareness. SweatNET is helping break the barriers that stand between health/wellness and the people.
Where can everyone expect to see you? Gym / Studio / Park? How do they connect with you?
I am either at CrossFit Northlake/ Northlake BootCamp, at home with my dogs (nose in my phone or computer – guilty) or pestering my husband to explore new things with me.
If you could change one thing about the fitness industry, what would it be?
Lack of education/or too much education. There isn’t a sure fire way to filter out the non-sense/fluff/the unrealistic imagery and information. If we could wipe out all the misguided information, put out a simple guide, I think more people would be able to foresee a fitter future, and achieve it!
What pitfalls, mistakes, or fads would you advise to newbies starting out in fitness to avoid.
Losing weight fast is IMPOSSIBLE AND/OR UNHEALTHY! It is compounded over time. The time/days are going to pass. Those days you make the better choice to eat clean/balanced meals, move, destress, drink water, and get more sleep. Then in a months time, a year, a few years…you’ll look back and realize you have achieved a fitter way of life.
Besides your regular workout, what kicks your ass the hardest when you do it?
Mountain Biking! I have ridden a few times with my husband at North Meck Park and Fisher Farms… HOLY TERRAIN, BATMAN! Being able to execute: agility, coordination, stamina, endurance, balance and even strength- on a dime?! Is the only way to survive Mountain Biking. I love to hit some weight lifting sets that focus on Hypertrophy training. The burn is real! I also get insane results from this.
Do you ever feel like quitting or lose your motivation? What do you do to fix it?
EVERYDAY! I struggle with not wanting to get up early and sleeping in. I also struggle with not wanting to workout. It’s hardest when you see your fellow CrossFit athletes suffer through the classes you teach, and then have to put yourself through that. The brain can be a powerful weapon or tool, you just have to choose how to use it.
What is ANYTHING that everyone should try at least once?
Stepping outside of their comfort zone. There is a whole world of possibility, growth, experience, learning you will experience if you just try ONCE. Do something that scares the shit out of you. Being a control freak, like I am, this was an eye rolling statement I heard all too often. Until one day I got tired of hearing it, so I tried it, just to shut them up. WELLLLLLLL…….they were right! Just do it and stop talking about it.
Where do you want to be in 5 years?
I want to be directing/co-owning multiple locations of a BootCamp industry. I want to have made a name for myself. I want to be the Health Promotion guru. I want to be in a place where I am able to provide the stable living and support, my husband has shown me, in order to build up a new career. I want to be a great value to making a healthier difference in people’s lives.
Give us a non-traditional fitness tip.
A workout is not a punishment for eating a cookie or a pizza or drinking like a fish. One…that’s an unhealthy relationship with food/lack of work and you need to see a professional about it (SERIOUSLY). A workout is a celebration of what your body is capable of doing. Your body can do extraordinary things! It can grow bigger and then shrink. It can heal itself! It can grow a human being. GIVE IT CREDIT! And celebrate that.
What is your biggest vice?
French Fries and Bravo TV. I also like Wine…but it isn’t conducive to my abs…so I’ve cut back.
What is your spirit animal and why?
GIRAFFES are my spirit animal. They are unique, majestic, graceful, enchanting, and one of a kind!
Anything else you would like to say?