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Be Amazing Podcast: Erin Lando

Be Amazing Podcast
Be Amazing Podcast
Be Amazing Podcast: Erin Lando

Are you devastated from a loss of a loved one, a job, a marriage, your health, and you feel like there is no hope? Have you struggled to pick yourself up and keep going? I want to encourage you there is HOPE! Celia Smart, host of Be Amazing Podcast’s guest, Erin Lando is an example of going from surviving to thriving in life. Erin shares the story of her daughter Arielle who passed away at 11 years old after losing a battle to a disease, then a few years later Erin faced her own personal battle with thyroid cancer. She had moments that she felt like she could not go on and just wanted to tap out. Thank God she didn’t! She chose to pick herself up and live life not just to survive, but to THRIVE!. She shares how fitness and creativity have been therapy and helped her heal. Join us for this powerful conversation.

Erin’s Daughter, Arielle