Do you feel stuck in a relationship that is toxic? Have you lost hope? My next guest on the Be Amazing Podcast is Lori Honeycutt, and she shares her story of how her dream of getting married turned into a nightmare that she lived in for years. Lori opens up about the daily turmoil she felt and how she found hope in the midst of the pain. Listen in to hear how her faith in God and strong support system gave her the courage to leave. Lori is no longer just surviving, she is THRIVING! She is now married and has a step daughter. You can also find Lori every day on social media sharing her passion for fashion. This passion has also given her the opportunity to work with Trades of Hope and their mission to help women. Get ready for this incredible conversation with Lori.
If you are a spouse of an alcoholic or family member and need help click on the link here
Want to know more about Trades For Hope and how they help women? Just click on the link here
Fight human trafficing: Fight Human Trafficking Organization
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