Be Amazing Podcast: Tysha Pressley

Be Amazing Podcast
Be Amazing Podcast
Be Amazing Podcast: Tysha Pressley

My next guest on the Be Amazing Podcast is Tysha Pressley, a mother of two young children, a licensed mental health counselor, and a personal convert from an emotional eater that didn’t exercise much to a true lover of all things fitness.  Listen in to Ty get very real with us about her personal realization that she was an emotional eater once she surpassed the 300 lb mark on the scale.  Learn how she not only transformed her own life, but also how it inspired yet another way for her to help others transform theirs.  

As a mental health counselor that spends her days rehabilitating the lives of young people that have experienced dysfunctional upbringings, some might be surprised to hear Ty share that therapists have personal issues too. Listen how Ty has persevered through her struggles of yo yo dieting and issues with body image, and how she is now using this experience to lift up others with a journal that she authored entitled “Hello Body, Do You Hear Me Now?”  This episode is sure to teach  you some invaluable tips for preparing yourself with a “mental toolbelt”, and it’s impossible not to be inspired by Ty’s mission to take women on a journey to “bodacious body love.”

Tysha Pressley, MSEd, LCMHC, CRC
Owner/Lead Therapist
Legacy Empowerment Services, PLLC
Join our online community FB/Instagram: @rehabilitateyourlife

Have you purchased your copy of my first journal yet?  or the digital version

Tysha Pressley