Performance Therapy - Dry Needling - Injury Recovery

Phone: 9802374016



Rogan Sports Clinic is a chiropractic clinic in the Charlotte area that aims to accelerate your recovery with patient-centered treatments for professional & recreational athletes. Our chiropractic physicians use well researched, patient-specific treatment methods to address local pain and global movement patterns to find the source of the problem. Treatment methods may include chiropractic manipulation, myofascial release, dry needling, dynamic fire cupping, kinesiotaping, dynamic neuromuscular stabilization, corrective exercises, and more.


Call (980) 237-4016 to schedule your initial visit and receive your SweatNET member discount.

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Business Location

ROGAN Sports Clinic, Providence Road, Charlotte, NC, USA

$75 off initial visit

Rogan Sports Clinic

Call (980) 237-4016 to schedule your initial visit and give the discount code over the phone to receive the discount.
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Business Location

ROGAN Sports Clinic, Providence Road, Charlotte, NC, USA

Performance Therapy - Dry Needling - Injury Recovery

Phone: 9802374016



Rogan Sports Clinic is a chiropractic clinic in the Charlotte area that aims to accelerate your recovery with patient-centered treatments for professional & recreational athletes. Our chiropractic physicians use well researched, patient-specific treatment methods to address local pain and global movement patterns to find the source of the problem. Treatment methods may include chiropractic manipulation, myofascial release, dry needling, dynamic fire cupping, kinesiotaping, dynamic neuromuscular stabilization, corrective exercises, and more.


Call (980) 237-4016 to schedule your initial visit and receive your SweatNET member discount.

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ROGAN Sports Clinic, Providence Road, Charlotte, NC, USA