Recent studies indicate that more than 80% of Americans will experience an episode of low back pain at some point in their lives. Repercussions of this “condition” create medical costs estimated at greater than $100 billion annually, with two-thirds of costs coming from decreased wages and productivity in the workplace. The most common link to lower back pain is postural stress which is brought on by sleeping in the wrong position, prolonged bending, repetitive spinal flexion, heavy lifting or even sitting, standing or lying with the back in a rounded posture. A study by Cornell University Department of Ergonomics found that up to 90% more pressure is placed on your back when in a seated versus standing posture. Whether working at a desk job or staring down at your phone all day, it’s safe to assume that you are habitually sitting in ways that create abnormal muscle tension and imbalances throughout your neck and back.
On a positive note, low back pain is an issue that in many cases can be prevented with a few easy lifestyle changes and postural adjustments. These adaptations include: healthy eating/maintaining a healthy body weight (i.e.- less weight in the abdominal region= less abnormal stressors on the spine), spinal exercises to maintain strength and joint stability throughout your lumbar region and proper flexibility to maintain spinal-muscle balance. Prolonged sitting (greater than one hour) places additional stress on the low back, so it’s important to try to make a point to stand up for a minimum of 1 minute every hour. Setting a phone timer or reminder while at work can be an efficient way to incorporate this into your routine. When seated, make sure to engage your core musculature or “pull your navel in toward your spine” to provide support and protection for your lumbar spine. Use proper techniques for lifting, i.e. using leg muscles > back, keeping the object close to your center and using a partner-carry when available. Avoid frequent and repetitive bending and twisting and if this is an unavoidable requirement in your job, look into wearing a lumbar support binder to remind you of proper muscle engagement.
It is also vital to properly strengthen the muscles that can become elongated and weak in order to help combat low back pain. Proper strength and recruitment of the muscles of the gluteal region and transverse abdominis can greatly improve lumbar positioning and postural endurance and in turn- relieve back pain. Listed below are 2 simple but efficient exercises to improve strength in these areas:
Glute Bridge
Seated Transverse Abdominis Brace
Common muscles that become shortened and tight during prolonged sitting are the hamstrings and hip flexors. Tightness in these muscles can cause excessive pulling and compression of the lumbar spine which contributes exponentially to low back pain during standing. Therefore, these muscles are commonly the focus of stretching to aide in reduction of low back pain and improve standing posture. Listed below are 2 beneficial exercises to improve flexibility in these areas:
Seated Hamstring Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
Decreasing low back pain and maintaining proper muscular balance when working a job that requires a lot of sitting can be a tenuous process and will take effort and change in ones routine. Setting an alarm to remind you to stand every hour and performing these exercises once daily will quickly become a part of your normal work flow and takes little effort in the grand scheme of maintaining a healthy back.
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