We are so excited to announce that we are now offering corporate wellness programs to companies to help improve the overall health and wellbeing of their employees! Corporate wellness programs play a vital role in employee health, company moral, employee retention and health insurance premiums. With 2/3 of Americans now being classified as overweight or obese, the country is in dire need of a paradigm shift. Our goal is to educate and inspire employees to help them achieve their personal wellness goals, because then, let’s face it, everyone wins! Keep reading to find out what our corporate wellness program can do for you.
Improve Your Employee’s Health Behaviors
Our job as your corporate wellness provider is not to just provide one healthy meal or wellness session each quarter, but instead our job is to educate your employees on how to make healthier decisions day in and day out. With the proper motivation, resources, education and support your employees will create behavior changes that lead to healthier lives for themselves and their families.
Reduce Elevated Health Risks
Did you know that Americans have a 1 in 3 chance of being diagnosed with cancer? Or that heart disease is now the leading cause of death? Both of these are preventable along with 80% of other illnesses diagnosed in the U.S. Through our corporate wellness program we are able to help your employees take preventative health measures to reduce their risk of many of the common ailments here in America.
Reduce Health Care Costs
Comprehensive worksite wellness programs that improve employee behaviors will see a bending of the healthcare cost trend. Most often they will discover that the savings from program participation will be greater than the actual cost of the program. Among the 22 different studies that looked at wellness programs and healthcare costs, the average return on investment was 3.27. This means that for every dollar that was spent on the program the company saved $3.27 because of reduced healthcare costs.
Improve Productivity
Poor employee productivity can be defined as physically being at work but not actually working. This type of poor productivity is called presenteeism. It is estimated that the cost associated with presenteeism due to poor employee health is at least 2 to 3 times greater than direct health care expenses. Part of our program focuses on workplace wellness and how employees can maximize their health AND productivity while at work.
Decrease Absenteeism
Corporate wellness program aim to improve health behaviors, stress management, body weight and biometric screening results which also directly improves absenteeism rates in businesses. Absenteeism is the rate at which employees must take time off from work, in this case, due to health related issues. Harvard researchers looked at the ROI of wellness programs as they relate to absenteeism and demonstrated that for every dollar wellness programs spend on wellness they can save $2.73.
Build and Help Sustain High Employee Morale & Retention
According to the latest research from the Global Wellness Institute employers who care about their employees are expected to have higher rates of productivity, lower rates of absenteeism, lower rates of stress and increased rates of job satisfaction. 57% percent of employees at “caring” companies rate their health/wellness high, vs. only 39% at “non-caring” companies.
If you have any interest in a SweatNET Corporate Wellness program for your business, do not hesitate to reach out! Please contact our Director of Corporate Wellness, Michelle Mudge at michelle@sweatnetclt.com.