Yes, we’ve gotten this question once or twice since announcing ourselves to the Charlotte fitness scene. So, here goes the quick and dirty:
EMERGE is a group of 5 fitness instructors who decided to join forces. Through our own personal experiences visiting gyms and connecting with trainers in the area, we realized something was missing. Something we could provide that would compliment what is currently being offered. We want to connect deeper with the community using the relationships we already have and build upon the Charlotte fitness footprint bringing more awareness and education to the importance of health and wellness adding value to the industry.
As a team, we set the goal to create a workout environment that would provide whole body acknowledgement. Not only will you work, but you will learn, feel supported, and gain strength both mentally and physically. We want you to understand the body better in order to appreciate what you are capable of and use that knowledge to get your best workout regardless of where that workout may be.
Core values? Yeah, we’ve got those too. EMERGE is more than just a nifty name we’ve attached to ourselves. In truth, the letters themselves fully embody what we believe in and what we can offer as we expand our presence in the fitness community.
E. Expertise
M. Movement
E. Energy
R. Resistance
G. Growth
E. Empowerment
We aren’t aiming to always deliver the hardest workout, burn the most calories or achieve an “all-out” effort every time … We want to deliver a smart, intentional, knowledgeable environment. But above all of that … we want to know what YOU are looking for in your workouts. Being fit looks different to everyone. We realize “almost threw up, dripping sweat, can’t walk tomorrow“ doesn’t define success for most people. We want to challenge you to define your own success and allow us to lead you to it. EMERGE provides an opportunity to educate and provide fundamentals that will help individuals be the best version of themselves in any fitness space.
We (Jen Dufresne, Shelby Baldwin, Shane Lucas, Brie Hollingsworth and Sarah Pitts) are all fitness instructors with a combined 30+ years of experience in formats including indoor cycling, yoga, strength training and barre. We have been recognized in our field by the companies we work for and the city of Charlotte for excellence in what we do. Never shy about making new friends and always down to strengthen our community, we believe we are stronger as a group than individuals.
EMERGE will create a space where you get the benefit of the group but also get the individualized support, recognition, and challenge to redefine what strong means to you. We’ll give you our energy, our motivation, our knowledge, and our passion. We also will offer a genuine commitment to learn what you want and deliver that at its best!
Please join us Saturday, September 29th at 10:30AM at Catawba Brewery as we launch our first of many events and see what we are all about!