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Instructor Insight – Kaitlin Hughes

What classes do you teach & where?
Tues 6:45am and Thurs 10am at Cyclebar in Redmond.

How did you get into the fitness industry?
I took my first class a little over 2 years ago looking for a new workout to help me get in shape for my wedding. I HATED my first one. It was so hard and sweaty and just I hated it, but I came back to give it another try. Then I came back again, and again, and again. Slowly I improved and then fell in love. I got a parttime job, that lead to full time and now I am the assistant studio manager and a Cyclestar. The community here is so supportive and open and positive that it’s hard not to fall in love.

What’s your favorite thing about being an instructor?
The feeling that I can turn someone’s day around. You might come in feeling tired or grumpy or just having a bad day, but after class, you leave feeling 10x better and I love knowing that I help with that. Making real changes, positive changes, in someone’s life.

Where can we find you when you’re not teaching a class?
Usually at the studio haha, but I love movies so I try to go often. And during the summer, I play softball with my friends.

What’s your one piece of advice for someone who wants to live a healthier life?
Don’t give up on yourself. It gets challenging, but you are worth it. You are worth the work.

What is your guilty pleasure food and/or drink?
Snacks. I am a grazer. So if there is food out, I will eat it. My real weakness though is sweets. Especially gummy candies. Gummy bears, gummy worms, gummy sharks…whatever, I’m in!

Who is your celebrity crush?
Jeff Goldblum.

To learn more about Kaitlin be sure to check her out on Instagram @Kaitlyn_cycles or visit her at Cyclebar Redmond Town Center.