What is it and how can you incorporate it into your life? Mindful eating has emerged…
All of us are on a health journey. Before you stop reading because I used the word…
Meal prepping can be a drag – it takes time, money, and not to mention: a ton of…
In recent months you might have started to notice a new nutrition label appearing on…
So, you’ve decided to lead a healthier lifestyle— but what is your focus? The purpose…
I am at the grocery store almost every single day. Yep, you read that right! Every.…
Enough research has been presented so that active people know the importance of…
Traveling is a great hobby to have and I’m always planning my next adventure.…
You know the drill, it’s lunchtime and you’re starving. Maybe you forgot your lunch at…
There is an abundance of nutrition information just about everywhere and it seems…
If your body is your vehicle, then food is its primary fuel. However, not all fuel is…
Why Febrewary? Because we celebrate making it through dry January by packing the…
NC Yoga Bar is a unique pop up yoga studio here in Charlotte. Owned by a mother…
Ahh FOOD! If you think about it in many ways most of our daily activities revolve…
3 Vegetables and 2 Fruits a Day Eating 5 servings of vegetables and fruits is…
Walk up and down the aisles of any major supplement store, and you’re bound to feel…
Below are some Black Friday deals you don’t want to miss out on! Anyone who…
I’ve recently switched over from a paleo diet to counting macros, simply because…
Chocolate, pizza, pasta and ice cream. These are a part of the food pyramid, right?…